How do I import a .sql file via the command-line?

If you've set up SSH access for a package then you can run the following command-line instructions to import a MySQL database:

mysql -h hostname -u username -p username < databasefile.sql

The above command connects to your database with the -h (hostname) -u (username) -p (database name in this case) then the unzipped file < databasefile.sql

You will then be prompted to enter a password for the database. Input the password and press enter.

Compressed files

If the database file is zipped then you will need to unzip it first, then you can use one of the following commands:

For a .zip file you can use the unzip command:

  • unzip
  • mysql -h hostname -u username -p username < databasefile.sql

For a .gz file you can use the gunzip command:

  • gunzip databasefile.sql.gz
  • mysql -h hostname -u username -p username < databasefile.sql
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